7 secrets of success

secrets of successLast few months I have started to spend a lot of time with physical exercises and I has taken a great interest in this self-improvement method. This experience of physical exercises overcoming give me some interesting ideas, associations and analogies, which can help with other directions of our life. This post is the first in "7 secrets of success" series of posts.

The first Secret
It is possible to take pleasure from overcoming difficulties. In our life we very often collide with problems which we must solve, frequently for this purpose we should do significant efforts. Probably, you will tell, that only masochists are capable to take pleasure from difficulties. I allow myself to disagree …
The main idea of first secret of success is "the way you look at all obstacles in your life". Do you wish to learn how to generate the positive attitude? How to perceive a problems with pleasure?
Advice is simple.
You should follow this simple formula : "Everything, that do not kill, do us strong ".

Doing physical exercises you know precisely, that they give you advantages, that you become stronger. You force down breath, you use all your will to do this last pulling up because it will make you more strongly. Overcoming physical activities is a way of body improving.
All becomes complicated a little, when we transfer this principle to the question of professional growth, in personal development. It is completely not obvious, that your efforts in any of these directions cause internal growth. However, it is absolutely established fact, because often you are not pay attention to proofs.
We are always see athletes, we know how they have reached success - through constant overcoming of physical activities. But, for some reason, we always explain someone's success in any area with "luck", "parent's communications" etc... Maybe it is easy to live so... I don't know, but I don't like it.

Btw, if you try to study biographies of successful people you will see the same: "Constant weaknesses overcoming, difficulties overcoming, problems overcoming - it is the reason of their success ". You must remember it, success of any person (material, spiritual, creative) you should always strongly associates with his improvement work, in the same way, as athletes body powers associates with overcoming physical exercises. You become stronger meeting problems and difficulties - be happy to this chance, moreover, you should search this meeting.


Anonymous said...

Excellent post, couldn't agree more! Cheers.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing to us.Please one more post about that.SELF IMPROVEMENT