Most popular martial arts list

self improvementThis post is about thing with which we are collide most often in daily life сoncerning self improvement. It is possible to start studying practically any martial art now in the modern world at any moment for each of us. During all history of mankind there were "fight systems". Even now in narrow circles of people studying martial arts there is legend about the "Universal and Perfect system of fight"(i will not arguing this and i can't say that it is true). Description of such systems can often be met in books of visionaries (surrealism direction basically).
The Universal system (maybe we will consider it later) is now not interesting, I am interesting in psychological component of martial arts. First of all I should list most popular kinds of martial arts, having divided their by method of influence on the opponent:



Direct links to wikipedia content on related arts

Of course, there are many more kinds, but these are most popular arts. How i said earlier, there are many martial arts, especially those from Asia, also teach side disciplines which pertain to psychology systems or even to esoteric knowledge (such as whole vibration systems, yoga, asceticism etc...). Later we will consider most interesting, on my opinion, martial arts. I think, that martial arts are one of the most accessible ways to the person self-made. Or, and there is one more reason for studying martial arts - girls love strong guys with athletic constitution :)


Anonymous said...


Eskrima is a traditional Filipino fighting art of using sticks, long knives, and short knives. Esrima has pre-14th century roots as far as the records go but possibly much earlier, later integrating elements from the Spanish art of fencing using a long sword/saber and a knife - espada y daga.

It does not rely on "modern weaponry" since a stick is a basic weapon available even to prehistoric man.


Sapphire said...

Very interesting. I hear this system for the first time. I will add some martial arts in this list a bit later. Thanks.

paul said...

Many years ago I practiced what we called Akijitsu, basically Aikido with attitude. But one style of Aikido was baced on Ki, non resitance and stuff my ego didnt like, so maybe, if you start young, with the right teacher, there is more than fighting and fitness.

Unknown said...

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