"So, reject all emotions, only sensible mind. Imagine that you are ambassadors from two countries and should agree among yourselves about mutual benefits. Necessarily say to your second half, that you wish to talk, that you wish to show your discontent or anxiety. It is impossible to do it, during eating or when your couple is borrowed with something. It would be necessary to prepare to serious conversation, you even can agree about any concrete time, to be sure that nobody and nothing didn't distract you from arguing. When you have already sat down for a negotiating table, say everything that has become painful, but there is an obligatory condition - you mustn't interrupt each other, you should enable to express completely. Also an obligatory condition of constructive quarrel is that during its time one theme is discussed only, and in general each theme is a separate discussing. You mustn't to beat in weak places, it means that it is impossible to involve previous argue themes in conversation. If you have started to speak about it, you should speak only about yourself, don't cite someone as an example, don't hang up labels. Certainly, you must understand, that there shouldn't be any extraneous persons during your quarrel.Here you have expressed all to your partner, your partner have listened all that you say to him, but it is obviously not enough. You necessarily should offer your variant of problem decision that you wish to receive as a result. And here now you should break o
ff and listen to counterarguments, enable opponent to express, your opponent listened you without interrupting. Having listened to the answer you can discuss and search for the compromise if your variant of problem decision isn't absolutely suits your partner, maybe he/she will offer something. Thus, you should think and argue until you will come to one decision which will satisfy both, if you wish to build attitudes on principles of equality. If your attitudes weren't equal from the beginning of marriage, constructive quarrel will not help you, as it is simply will not take place.
So, as you have understood - quarrels isn't bad, they are even necessary if you can approach to it reasonably. Therefore if you want to argue with second half, in fact now you know how to do it correctly, effectively, without material damage for family, emotional traumas and in a scientifically true way from the psychology point of view. And, besides after quarrels there is reconciliation and simplification and if you don't have enough rough emotions and passions - make sex :) "
Let's follow to professional's advice, i think this clause written very well and accessible.
I believe that once you have listened it is very hard not to counteragrue abrutely so that you insult the other person...after all they are pointing out things that are wrong with you...just like a debate...
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