It is very hard to post beginning things in this blog on such deep theme. It is possible to write really big notes and I should limit a stream of my ideas. I understand, that there a lot of posts ahead, but I want to tell all it now!:)
It is always very important to adjust ourselves and to be confidence in ourselves. When you are working you should concentrate on your success. When you are having a rest, on the contrary, you should have total relaxation and skill to receive a maximum pleasure. How to make it? It seems simple. But it is deception...
Unfortunately, we find out feelings which are stirring to use our opportunities most effectively in certain situations. For example in work when "Here is the necessary way already must appear in a head" but an unexpected idea about "How good I has spent time with my friends last weekend" or the idea on an anticipation of a forthcoming celebration confuses us and we must concentrate anew. Or on the contrary (at me especially often happens so) when we are trying to relax, trying to be active and cheerful on any party, we start to strain ourselves with any extraneous ideas on our work, problems and so on...
So, how to adjust yourself in the necessary way? How to find a key to our emotions ?
You should try to imagine your life as the certain time interval. It is difficult but you must try it. On this interval there moments when it is really necessary TO WORK persistently and long and on the contrary to have a rest. Also you should imagine a point on this interval. It is instant moment in which you are present now and you must to tell yourself: You are here now, you need to make it, on this point you will have everything if only you will want it. In fact all we live one life (I think so..). Do not take all these unnecessary ideas about "what i need to do now?", "how i should to behave now?" and "how to concentrate?" in a head. Live a full life, take all that you can from each point on this "interval". Maybe there is happiness ?
I am explaining to you things which are for a long time known in psychology but is this important? You must UNDERSTAND and FEEL it. In fact there is no value in your knowledge of this methods, you must really FEEL it to be as much as possible effective in any situation . Person who can make it completely for me is rather Great man. Maybe I haven't told you something new and you know it but as I spoke above it is necessary not to know this it is necessary to feel it :)
During conducting this blog when I write posts about such things I truly open for myself more and more nuances of things known to me before. Because of that i wrote "I improve myself by telling you how to improve yourself" in description of this blog. It is my way to be adjusted...
And I sincerely wish you to find yours :)
... are one of the most important things in self improvement. I actually consider, that 20-50 minutes of morning exercises can double your activity and forces during all day. It is possible to tell long about WHAT occurs in your organism when you doing exercises every morning. I can tell precisely, that all parts of your body after morning warm-up will receive a sufficient blood inflow, muscles and joints will get pleasant ease. There would be no bad sensations all the day long (of course if you haven't "age" diseases). Is it pleasantly? I consider that optimum time for morning warm-up is 40 minutes. The main thing is to be in movement all these 40 minutes and, that is very important, exercises should demand efforts from you efforts, they should be difficult for you. We are trying to improving, right?:)
I know about 10 ways to make effective warm-up. "Effective" in this case, of course, means that they are hard ( for beginner, people who practice morning exercises get pleasure from them ).
I wouldn't now describing these methods, because it needs a lot of time and place in post to describe all of them in a sufficient measure . We shall borrow in them later. I will find new exercises or optimize old for you every week.
Perhaps for a priming I shall list the most popular and effective, in my opinion, methods :
1) Morning jogs (on my opinion best, simple and accessible way to warm-up, must have in summer time)
2) Simple physical exercises (everyone i think studied this at school's lessons of physical culture)
3) Self-massage (I recently have opened it for myself but already now I understand how much it is necessary for any person)
4) Hatha yoga (unfamiliar art for me yet, but i shall try to master it)
5) There are many ways to warm-up in martial arts (i studied Muai Thai and prefer it, but you can choose one of them closer to you)
6) Very very good way is to swim for a while in the nearest reservoir ( i am lucky i have one :) )
7) All kinds of meditation systems. You really can do incredible things through it, but you must be pro (i can't, maybe later...)
So, I think it is enough for the beginning, later I shall try to consider each method deeply.
Named this post "Rhythm" I have absolutely inadvertently created huge contrast between title's simplicity and the maintenance. Now at 2AM (in Moscow) cannot simply fall asleep at all and humanly have a rest, considering that i wake up at 6AM . Why i am telling you such private silly things ? :)
I wrote this, because i think i should as more as possible closely approach you to this post idea. In spite of the fact that it is very deep I shall try to tell it briefly, to not lose the way in our philosophical reasonings. We often ask ourselves (as I spoke earlier) about meaning of the life, our place in it, we complain on our failures. But now I have very distinctly understood the sense which can help in such bad feelings, you should be active people, in fact only when you are proactive during all your life you can really say that you are "strong alive person", that you are Human. For me now when except of the basic employment, we have started to blogging this Home Recipes Network and we plan to start blog about blogging for Russian readers on native language, at us there is no time at all for simple rest. We sleep frequently 4-5 hours per day and all time of wakefulness we spend in active actions, but nevertheless I with confidence can tell that I am happier than many. Think about it... It is important part of self improvement.
Oh yes, has almost forgotten, i think that I cannon fall asleep, because my conscience forces me to write this post :)
Labels: blogging, home recipes, proactive, rhythm, self-improvement, self-made

To answer this question, perhaps, I all over again should explain to you what means Blog. It is сertain type of a site in which person writes "things he is really interesting in" to show people how much he is interesting and to involve public on Blog for sharing with readers his ideas. This is my own opinion and of course many other people with "Big Heads" can challenge this opinion.
I shall not tell you in my Blog how to reach the BIG purpose in this life, how to become rich, how to promote on a career ladder, how to be happy. Everyone has his own purposes in a life, and it is possible to argue on life's Meaning eternally. I shall try to help you to create "tools" for achievement of your purposes. For me it is self improvement. What tools can help us in our life? Let's try to distribute them into categories:
- Physical condition, opportunity to use a human body on a maximum. It means you should keep your body healthy and develop it with physical exercises. Top in this direction is so-called " helping completely supervise a human body", which were used by our ancestors and which are used by contemporaries. I understand it sounds funny enough and I see now how many charlatans in our world, which helping people to improve, earning money, but each person can find his own system of exercises for this purpose. It is the fact... Of course here you MUST not have bad habits (such as smoking). I will try to help you get rid of them.
- Psychological condition. Very often it is possible to hear phrases like "I am depressed", "I do not know what i should do", "What for I live" and so on. It is difficult enough to be Active, person should Understand himself what he should to do. I shall try to help you with it, proceeding from my own experience. Remember: be active, be strong, do not lower hands, be not afraid of something, be patient, be hardworking, go to your aims confidently. I understand you constantly hear these words and all of them are known, but try to say them aloud and to Feel them. I am not going to preach to you these words, besides the person must understand them himself, I only shall try To feel them and to help you.
- Our attitude to other people. Probably it is the most important thing. It is possible to be physically and psychologically developed healthy person, but sit deeply in mountains as it is done by some "wise people". For me such wise men are weak people. All develops, therefore to "leave from world" is very impolite to other people. Principles from the bible are very important i think (here i want to notice, that I do not trust in God as in it adherents of various religions of the world trust, I trust in Humans, but about it later...). Be fair with yourself and with other people, love those people who near you and try to do kind things for them. I sincerely consider, that it is very important and, please, be patient with people. I should repear once again, that I am not going to become person which similar to preacher in your mind, further I shall try to write less pathosly, proceeding from ordinary norms.