To answer this question, perhaps, I all over again should explain to you what means Blog. It is сertain type of a site in which person writes "things he is really interesting in" to show people how much he is interesting and to involve public on Blog for sharing with readers his ideas. This is my own opinion and of course many other people with "Big Heads" can challenge this opinion.
So, I want to share with you My own opinion, in self-improvement, because it is very interesting to me. Very simple explanation, i think.
Once again, what means "self improvement"?I shall not tell you in my Blog how to reach the BIG purpose in this life, how to become rich, how to promote on a career ladder, how to be happy. Everyone has his own purposes in a life, and it is possible to argue on life's Meaning eternally. I shall try to help you to create "tools" for achievement of your purposes. For me it is self improvement. What tools can help us in our life? Let's try to distribute them into categories:
- Physical condition, opportunity to use a human body on a maximum. It means you should keep your body healthy and develop it with physical exercises. Top in this direction is so-called " helping completely supervise a human body", which were used by our ancestors and which are used by contemporaries. I understand it sounds funny enough and I see now how many charlatans in our world, which helping people to improve, earning money, but each person can find his own system of exercises for this purpose. It is the fact... Of course here you MUST not have bad habits (such as smoking). I will try to help you get rid of them.
- Psychological condition. Very often it is possible to hear phrases like "I am depressed", "I do not know what i should do", "What for I live" and so on. It is difficult enough to be Active, person should Understand himself what he should to do. I shall try to help you with it, proceeding from my own experience. Remember: be active, be strong, do not lower hands, be not afraid of something, be patient, be hardworking, go to your aims confidently. I understand you constantly hear these words and all of them are known, but try to say them aloud and to Feel them. I am not going to preach to you these words, besides the person must understand them himself, I only shall try To feel them and to help you.
- Our attitude to other people. Probably it is the most important thing. It is possible to be physically and psychologically developed healthy person, but sit deeply in mountains as it is done by some "wise people". For me such wise men are weak people. All develops, therefore to "leave from world" is very impolite to other people. Principles from the bible are very important i think (here i want to notice, that I do not trust in God as in it adherents of various religions of the world trust, I trust in Humans, but about it later...). Be fair with yourself and with other people, love those people who near you and try to do kind things for them. I sincerely consider, that it is very important and, please, be patient with people. I should repear once again, that I am not going to become person which similar to preacher in your mind, further I shall try to write less pathosly, proceeding from ordinary norms.
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